Condensity High Density Mobile System |
Condensity High Density Mobile System
What is the definition of Condensity High Density Mobile System?
Condensity High Density Mobile System is a new storage solution designed to save time, space, and money. It combines the best of high density mobile storage and the rotating shelving solution. This really comes into play when you are thinking of a high density storage solution with drawers. Condensity high density mobile system when drawers are being used is best solution for the price. This is the perfect solution for an office that wants to keep with top tab filing and needs to store it into a smaller area.
High density mobile system put a lot of storage into a small area. Rotating shelving is a unique because of the many different storage solution it can offer. It can store Top Tab Files, End Tab Files, Binders, Small Media and Wardrobes.
Typical Condensity High Density Storage Solution
- Best suited for file storage with drawers
- The more drawers used = the greater savings
- Condensity conforms to Anti-Tip industry safety standards.
- Meets all seismic requirements.
Delivers 3 Major Benefits
- Saves Investment Cost over comparable mobile systems
- Letter Size Mobile – Saves 10 – 6% in product costs
- Legal Sized Mobile – Saves 14- 25% in product costs
- No Costly File Conversion
- Saves Real Estate Cost
- Saves Installation Cost
- Fewer components and simplified assembly
- Averaging 14 -16 fewer hours to install
- Cuts Installation Time Up to 50%
- Letter Sized Mobile
End Panel Options
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 Rotating Shelving Rotating Cabinet Accessory Rollout Drawer.jpg)
Drawer front and back are slotted every 1/2 inch for adjustability. Drawer divider runs the full depth. Adjustable slotted drawers allow for easy storage of CD’s, videotapes, microfilm, microfiche, index cards or checks.
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Our most popular acce-ssory. The 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8- tier models accept the Rollout Reference Shelf with no loss of filing inches when used with standard shelves.
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Confidential documents stay safe and secure. The drawer features double key lock and recessed drawer front.